G-Upgraded Case Study

g_silk • Dyeing process for silk products by Cosetex

How was it born?

Cosetex wanted to enhance the already excellent performance of its T.Silk silk in terms of fabric softness, UV protection and at the same time obtain an exclusive aesthetic finish. How to use “g upgraded recycled graphite” to achieve this? We started with g_pwdr technology, the treatment and dyeing process for fabrics and paper that uses the ingredient in aqueous suspension. Through meticulous fine-tuning, the result of a long research and development process, we managed to obtain a dye suitable for enhancing the characteristics of T.Silk silk which led to the birth of g_silk.

G_Silk Fabric
Product for Cosetex by Alisea S.r.l.

Silk satin fabric and graphite, an engineered symbiosis

g_silk is an unusual way of seeing things, of combining elements, of creating surprising alchemies.

Two elements – the special silk satin fabric and “g upgraded recycled graphite” – at first glance completely different and distant from each other, have been harmonized in a symbiosis that has combined the characteristics of both for an unprecedented and surprising result.

The special T.Silk satin fabric by Cosetex is a continuous filament fabric made strictly of 100% silk. It comes from a highly controlled supply chain that guarantees maximum ethical, environmental and social responsibility.

The treatment with Alisea g_pwdr® Technology applied to the T.Silk® fabric (100% virgin silk with silk proteins) by Cosetex:

• Increases the hand and softness
• Makes the thermoregulation capacity more homogeneous and effective (cool in summer and warm in winter)
• Increases UV protection up to a protection factor of > 50
• Gives an exclusive iridescent brightness
• Increases the already high protection from mold and bacteria 

Furthermore, the particular lamellar structure of “g upgraded recycled graphite” favors the refraction of light creating unpredictable variations in color intensity. g_silk is a unique material that combines the natural characteristics of silk and graphite enhanced by a research and development process aimed at improving its performance and environmental impact.

Case Studies

Going beyond the limits to discover solutions that didn’t exist before

Enhance the performance of products and processes by preventing the disposal of tons of graphite.
“g upgraded recycled graphite” is the key ingredient to innovate.
Here’s who has already started doing it, why and how.


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